6 Hidden Behaviors That Destroy Families

Strategies for Healthier and More Loving Relationships

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Every Family Has Issues
There is no such thing as a perfect family…or an easy family. We all make mistakes that hurt our family members and we’ve all been hurt by those we love.
6 Hidden Behaviors That Destroy Families by Dr. Magdalena Battles addresses the top conflicts that cause relationships to become strained or broken. These hidden behaviors are:
•    A failure to forgive or apologize
•    Criticism
•    Gossip
•    Deception
•    A lack of inclusion
•    A failure to accept differences
While every family has issues, what really matters is how we deal with them. Are we working in a way that resolves problems? Or are we allowing them to fester and explode?
The healing in your family can begin with you. It often takes just one person to make the changes needed to make relationships more positive. Dr. Battles provides you with practical tips based on research, biblical principles, and her own observations of what has worked in families—including her own. Here are essential tools to restore the damaged relationships in your life.
Families can function in a way where love and support are practiced daily. It is a process, but the result will be happier lives and more fulfilling relationships.


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6 Hidden Behaviors That Destroy Families

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Dr. Magdalena Battles is a writer and conference speaker whose specialties include parenting, child development, family relationships, domestic violence, and sexual assault. She shares her real-life experiences and professional insights on her website, LivingJoyDaily. com, and on Lifehack. org, where she was named one of their top writers. She is also the author of Let Them Play: The Importance of Play and 100 Child Development Activities (September 2019). Dr. Battles earned a bachelor’s degree in... Show More


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