God's Power for Today

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SKU: 9780883683002 Categories: , , Tag: Type: Trade Paperback


Collected from the works of Andrew Murray, these passages offer daily nuggets of spiritual nourishment. Providing believers with the inspiration to grow closer to God, this 365-day devotional will show how to…

  • Proclaim the gospel boldly
  • Abide in Christ
  • Know the Holy Spirit
  • Live a holy life
  • Obtain a strong faith
  • Understand biblical humility
  • Obtain the peace of Christ 

The writings of Andrew Murray have stirred the hearts of millions of Christians. Through the well-loved passages contained in this book, you will receive power to live daily for Christ.

South African pastor and author Andrew Murray (1828–1917) was an amazingly prolific writer. Murray began writing on the Christian life for his congregation as an extension of his local pastoral work, but he became internationally known for his books, such as With Christ in the School of Prayer and Abide in Christ, that searched men’s hearts and brought them into a deeper relationship with Christ. With intense purpose and zeal for the message of the... Show More


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