Grace (Journal Edition)

God's Unmerited Favor

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The Free Gift of God
This new journal edition of Grace by Charles Spurgeon invites you to take his timeless teaching to heart by journaling alongside the thoughts and insights that flowed so eloquently from this man of God, the “The Prince of Preachers.” Spurgeon’s teaching, which drew crowds upon crowds in his own day, is now attracting a new generation of believers hungry to write their own story in the legacy of enduring, biblical truth.
    Sit at the feet of this earnest disciple of Christ as he explains the mystery of God’s priceless, free gift: grace. As you learn from Spurgeon to gratefully accept God’s free gift rather than trying to earn God’s favor, you will discover lasting security, peace, and spiritual richness.
“The purpose of God is not founded on any foreseen merit of ours, but upon His grace alone. It is grace, all grace, and nothing but grace from first to last.” —Charles H. Spurgeon
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834–1892), the “Prince of Preachers,” preached his first sermon at age sixteen. During his lifetime he preached to an estimated ten million people. He founded and supported charitable outreaches, including educational institutions. He also founded a pastors’ college and the famous Stockwell Orphanage. Spurgeon published over two thousand of his sermons, as well as numerous books, which compose the largest collection of work by a single author. Highlighted with splashes of spontaneous,... Show More


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