The Lord's Prayer

Our Heavenly Model for Approaching the Throne of God

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SKU: 9781629113531 Category: Type: Trade Paperback


“After this manner therefore pray ye…” (Matthew 6:9).
With those words, Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount, gave us the very model of prayer, one that has been recited ever since—across all denominations and sects and throughout many centuries of time. Perhaps no other aspect of our faith so unifies us in our belief as the simple yet heartfelt expression of the Lord’s Prayer.
In his book, The Lord’s Prayer: Our Heavenly Model for Approaching the Throne of God, Sir Robert Anderson breaks down the prayer, line by line, in order to convey, in plain language, the rich meaning and theological concepts behind this divine prescription.
Sir Robert Anderson (1841–1918) was converted to Christ at the age of nineteen and almost immediately began to preach in his native Dublin where he trained for a legal profession at Trinity College. He became a respected member of the Irish Home Office and an expert on criminal investigation. In 1888, he was summoned to Scotland Yard, London, to serve as Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department, an office he filled with distinction until retirement... Show More


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