Unlocking the Code of the Supernatural

The Secret to God’s Power in You

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The Mystery of Being a Christian 

It can be hard for us to admit we are dissatisfied with our spiritual life. That we are in a place where going to church is not yielding the victory we desire. A place where we pray things like, “God, I will never do that again,” yet find ourselves doing it again and again.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are in fact a new creation. How would you like to start really experiencing that new life? Once you do, you will discover a world of unlimited spiritual possibilities.

Being a Christian is a mystery in which Christ lives in us through a radical transformation of our spiritual DNA. We have a relationship with the living Jesus that changes every dynamic of our life. And we are given our own access code, which is the Word of God. This is how we enter into the benefits and features of our new life.

What you need in order to overcome sin, sickness, poverty, and defeatism is to become conscious of, and intimate with, the indwelling Christ. Once you do, you will never again be manipulated by fear and insecurity. You won’t be caught in a vicious cycle of striving for God’s love and acceptance. You will be confident in your new identity, which will empower you to live the supernatural life God intends for you. You will operate in revelation knowledge, wisdom, spiritual understanding, and miracles. The bondage of sin, shame, and condemnation will be released by the power of the Holy Spirit. Demons won’t be able to oppress you because you will have an overwhelming consciousness of God’s love.

Whether you are a new Christian or a long-time believer who has never been able to fully apply Christ’s victory to your life, Unlocking the Code of the Supernatural will help you become all God created you to be. You will no longer be a victim, defeated, or broken. God wants to use you for His glory! From this day forward, there are no more limitations on your life.

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Unlocking the Code of the Supernatural

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Dr. Kynan T. Bridges is the senior pastor of Grace & Peace Global Fellowship in Tampa, Florida. With a profound revelation of the Word of God and a dynamic teaching ministry, Dr. Bridges has revolutionized the lives of many in the body of Christ. Through his practical approach to applying the deep truths of the Word of God, he reveals the authority and identity of the new covenant believer. A highly sought speaker and published... Show More


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