Nathan Byrd

Apostle Nathan R. Byrd is the founder and visionary leader of Jesus Makes the Difference Ministries, Inc., in New York City. He was called to the ministry at the age of nineteen under the leadership of his then pastor and older brother, Pastor Daniel H. Byrd. Nathan served the kingdom as an evangelist for twelve years before transitioning to pastor. He then ministered at The Worship Center of St. Albans in Queens, New York, as senior pastor for fifteen years. In 2005, Nathan was anointed and elevated to the gift of apostle, with hands laid on him by Dr. Reuben Timothy of Durban, South Africa. Nathan is the visionary leader behind the Issachar Gathering, an annual event to discover “What now, what next?” for the body of Christ. His demanding international ministry has taken him to Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, India, Britain, Zambia, Ghana, South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Tanzania, Cameroon, Nigeria, Mexico, Canada, Colombia, Brazil, and various Caribbean islands. In addition to No Apology Needed: Learning to Forgive as God Does, he authored The Future of Worship and For These Reasons Shall a Man Leave His Father and Mother and Cleave to His Wife. Prior to entering the ministry, Nathan was employed in finance at various brokerages and banking firms on Wall Street from 1979 through 1999. To learn more about Nathan’s ministry, visit

Books by Nathan Byrd

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