40 Days to Excellence in Church Management

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The modern church is being poorly managed but does not know it. The level of inefficiency and waste in today’s churches is staggering. 40 Days to Excellence in Church Management was written specifically for churches to convey basic business wisdom, management principles, and the best business practices. Unlike intimidating business textbooks, it includes forty short vignettes designed to be read like a daily devotional. Each chapter deals with everyday challenges and offers real-life examples derived from the author’s more than thirty years of experience. It shows how to (and sometimes how not to) handle each situation of conducting business for the church.


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40 Days to Excellence in Church Management

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About Don Corder

Don Corder has dedicated his life to making the management and administration of ministries easier for pastors and ministry leaders. His career is highlighted by over thirty years of success in executive leadership with both profit and nonprofit organizations, churches, and ministries. He is a trusted advisor, and he currently leads The Provisum Group, a Christian not-for-profit that helps churches to manage the business needs of their ministry. Don has been married to his wife,... Show More


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