Fifty-Second Week: The End

I am…the end.
—Revelation 21:6

Jesus is indeed “our life, our way, our end.”* He is the beginning and the end. Yes, and all in between. There is nothing before or beyond Him. As the End, Christ is to be the great finale. He will be the End of revelation, history, and time. And of His reign there is to be no end. What is to be the end of all things? To our delight Christ steps forward and affirms that He is the End. In Himself He is the focal point, the goal of divine purposes, and human wishes. And when ultimately He winds up everything, the universe will be transformed, Satan forever consigned to the lake of fire, the saints perfect and glorified, and God at last satisfied. And as the End, Christ will be just in both His commendations and condemnations. Is this Savior yours? Has He given you a new beginning? Then know that He will perfect what His love began.

*John Newton, “How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds.”

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