Faith, Hope, and Love (Journal Edition)

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“Thus it is that love is not without hope, hope is not without love, and neither hope nor love are without faith.” St. Augustine
St. Augustine’s Faith, Hope, and Love is a short, insightful treatise on the proper way to worship God. In thirty-three small chapters that follow 1 Corinthians 13, Augustine’s description of true worship covers all the major ideas of the Christian religion. Written sometime after AD 420, less than a decade before he died, it contains some of his most mature reflections on Christian doctrines. Those looking to understand the proper way to worship and those interested in a brief encapsulation of Augustine’s teaching should look no further than this classic work. Presented in a special journal edition, Faith, Hope, and Love encourages readers to record their impressions and prayers.

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Faith, Hope, and Love (Journal Edition)

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Aurelius Augustinus (354–430), better known as Saint Augustine, was born to poor parents in a small town in North Africa. Despite his mother’s pious influence, Augustine embarked on several years of wild living at the University of Carthage and adopted the Manichean faith, a sect whose followers professed to have received from their founder a higher truth than that from Jesus Christ. After years of seeking and eventual disillusionment, Augustine acknowledged Jesus as Lord during... Show More


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