The Gospel in the Pentateuch

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SKU: 9781629118314 Categories: , , Type: Trade Paperback


The Old Testament is not light summer reading. Some chapters seem downright boring, such as the genealogies, the census listings, and the laws, and others gruesome and wrong, such as the graphic descriptions of sacrifices or killing the enemy. Why would God want us to read all that?

Scholar Dr. Herbert Lockyer calls the Bible “the masterpiece of the divine Mind” because despite its sixty-six books, it is woven throughout with the same truth: the gospel. In this study of the Pentateuch, Lockyer provides a birds-eye view of the first five books of the Bible, systematically explaining how each of the first five books fit inside God’s greater plan. His detailed, practical, gospel-infused survey provides ample reason for why the Old Testament is still relevant to today’s believer. Includes charts, questions for review at the end of each chapter, and outlines of each of the five books.

Dr. Herbert Lockyer (1886–1984) considered becoming an actor when he was first deciding on a career. Tall and well-spoken, he seemed a natural for the theater. But the Lord had something better in mind. Instead of the stage, God called Herbert to the pulpit, where, as a pastor, a Bible teacher, and the author of more than fifty books, he touched the hearts and lives of millions of people. Dr. Lockyer held pastorates in Scotland... Show More


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