Herbert Lockyer's Major Themes of the New Testament

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SKU: 9781603749671 Categories: , Type: Trade Paperback


Unlocking the Truths of Scripture

Best-selling author and legendary Bible teacher Dr. Herbert Lockyer identifies and explains nineteen major themes found in the New Testament.
He explores and examines clearly some of the Bible’s most basic doctrines, such as:

  • The atmosphere of prayer
  • The teaching of salvation
  • The wondrous cross
  • The features of judgment
  • The second advent
  • The purpose of suffering
  • The rapture

Whether you are a longtime follower of Jesus or new to the faith, Herbert Lockyer’s teachings will bring a fresh perspective to your understanding of the New Testament.

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Herbert Lockyer's Major Themes of the New Testament

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Dr. Herbert Lockyer (1886–1984) considered becoming an actor when he was first deciding on a career. Tall and well-spoken, he seemed a natural for the theater. But the Lord had something better in mind. Instead of the stage, God called Herbert to the pulpit, where, as a pastor, a Bible teacher, and the author of more than fifty books, he touched the hearts and lives of millions of people. Dr. Lockyer held pastorates in Scotland... Show More


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